Global Initiative 2012, Inc



Global Initiative 2012, Inc is a Non Profit Corporation (501 (c) status pending) whose mission is the promotion of World Peace through the implementation of a universally representative, unified Global Government.

Founded by me, Steven Wool, Executive Director, and chief cook and bottle washer, as an outgrowth of a paper I wrote in the late '80's, which began as a simple intellectual exercise, my cry-in-the-dark if you will, as to solving the over-arching problems faced by our world--the usual litany of horrors which have plagued us since time immemorial: war and repression, starvation and sickness, inequality and injustice, etc.


My conclusion was then, as it is now, that we are trapped by the legacy of our tribal past.  We are burdened by an antiquated world view.  Laboring under a hodgepodge of inefficient and corrupt governmental entities, we are ensnared by the haphazard outgrowth of our evolutionary past and mired within a system which can't, or won't, find solutions to these problems.


The salient fact is that we are all descended from a common ancestor; from somewhere in the misty way-back-when, be it Lucy, or Adam--take your pick; and like it or not it's time for us to grow up and start acting like the single species, the single tribe, which in essence is who we truly are.


Since it's inception, the original paper titled “ON THE PATH TO A SANE AND RATIOAL WORLD” has gone through a number of incarnations: first as a fictional dramatization submitted to Ted Turner as an entry in a contest he called “The Tomorrow Award,” in which he was soliciting manuscripts from unknown and unpublished authors, pertaining to global problems we faced and their possible solutions. Needless to say, I didn't win...


After languishing in the proverbial desk drawer, my manuscript was subsequently re-written as a screenplay which, surprise, surprise, languishes to this day in that self-same drawer.

Through all the intervening years there always remained “Plan B,” my taking of the premiss that, for us to survive as a species, we must overcome our tribal limitations and institute a Unified World Government, one which respects and recognizes the inalienable rights of us all to live a world free from fear and repression, from injustice, from starvation, free from a future of limited hope and prospects—by taking this message directly to the people, to the 99% of us who basically want to live our lives in peace, in a sane, just and equitable world, we can make this dream a reality.

I don't know about you but I can't help but wonder at who we are, all of us, Humanity, our singular species on this unique planet of ours; I wonder at where we came from, at where we're headed?

Looking back, seems like we've passed through some pretty dark days together in our shared and shady past--haven't been very nice to each other now, have we.

Sure, there've been riches and glory for the fortunate, but for the rest of us--not so much. During much of our existence significant numbers of us were routinely being raped, pillaged and plundered.

These days for many, far too many, the hits just keep on coming.

I've seen where we've been, and regardless of the violence, injustice, repression and barbarism of our history, ancient, modern and current, I still have high expectations for where we might go.

In this light I decided to put my money where my mouth was to try to do something about it.

Hence, here we are.

There are problem, questions and decisions which affect us all on this planet we call home. We need a viable method to answer and decide, for the good of the many, as well as the chosen few.

Together, you and I can help chart a course toward a better future and a brighter tomorrow for all.

It's in our power to make it so, if we have the will...

Steven Wool


Marathon, Florida